Where to file case for recovery of unpaid rent in nagpur

As per the rental agreement signed on 1st May 2019, the monthly rent of ₹7,000/- is due on the 5th of each month. Failure to pay the rent on time incurs a liability to pay the outstanding amount with 24% compound interest, as per the terms of our agreement. The last payment of ₹1,999/- was made online on 11th November 2023 after persistent reminders. Prior to that, an amount of ₹3,000/- was paid online on 12th January 2021. As of today, the total outstanding rent amounts to ₹1,65,000/-, covering the period from 1st January 2019 to 28th February 2021. Additionally, you are liable to pay 24% compound interest on the total amount due as of the date of this letter. Non-payment of rent constitutes a breach of the terms outlined in our rental agreement. I kindly request that you remit the full outstanding amount, including interest, within 7 days from the date of receipt of this letter. Failure to make payment within the specified period may compel me to initiate legal proceedings to recover the dues. However, I remain hopeful that we can resolve this matter amicably and avoid any further complications. In which court legal case to be filed in Nagpur for recovery of unpaid rent of Rs 1,65,000