Black magic, IOT , Stalking and Cyber Crime ...

Hi, I am of strong opinion that people around me have been stalking me and or using black magic for the past decades I have lived in Mumbai half of my life post which i worked in Singapore and a bit in USA. I live in khar suburb ( the same place where Sushant Singh Rathod and other celebrities have lost their lives in the last few years) Possible involvements are most likely apartment people, internet operators which i have used previously (local, reliance, airtel e.t.c) where i stay, may be friends and or relatives .. , Helaht care industry , Municipal corporation, state or government level people. Indian railways, Electric companies like Tata oe political parties may have been involved as well be involved. The starting point though are people in my apartment. I have tried to find out cost of private detective to help find out what can be done but the person has given me an estimate of about a couple of lakhs for debugging just that too with no definitive revert. The problem has caused my life to ruin. Mental Health Financial and other ways. . I can't leave as my mother is attached to the place. Waned no use leaving without teaching those involved a lesson after getting sufficient proof. Energy / fortune is often exchanged so when your energy is lost and it is easily noticeable who gains