POA / gift deed / Patta correction

The property was in my great grand father’s name. He passed away. Then my grand mother and great grand mother become legal heir. We have death and legal heir certificate. The legal heir certificate only shows my grand mother and great grand mother name. But the online chitta records shows the following names. my grand mother, great grand mother and also my mother. My mother name showing up there is a mistake. There was no transactions to my mother in that land. It just simply came up in online chitta only. I was overseas and came here for a short time. So I didn't had time to correct it. So I went ahead and purchased the land With sale deed from my Grand mother and great mother as 2/3 shares. The sub register wanted the sale deed to be mentioned that 1 share belong to my mother as per temporary chitta. Now how to get rid of my mother name on online chitta. And after getting rid, I want to get the remaining one share from my grand mother and great grand mother as gift or settlement deed. I will be staying overseas and I want to give Power of Attorney to my father to receive 1 share from them to my name. So I will 3/3 finally. But now the problem is, the sale deed for 2/3 land shows my mother owns 1/3 as per temporary chitta. Will it be a problem, if yes how to I solve all the problem and make 3/3 mine and I don’t want any legal problems when I want to sell it. Thank you.