How to deal with sexual harassment by a college senior?

Dear Legal Experts, I am an 18-year-old student at a college, and I am seeking legal advice regarding a serious situation involving s*xual harassment. I have been subjected to blatant objectification and s*xual messages directed at me by a fellow student, who is over 20 years old. He has openly admitted to being a misogynist, and his comments have included s*xual remarks that were completely uncalled for. Additionally, he made disturbing comments about violence against women, including a specific instance where he expressed a desire to pour acid on a girl’s face when she rejects him. All of this occurred on Instagram, and I have compiled screenshot proof of these exchanges in a detailed document. While I did react a few times by not entertaining his behavior and even calling him out, my concerns were often dismissed. Other times, I didn’t realize the weight of his messages until later. I have not reported this situation to any college authorities so far because I have observed that some teachers openly favor third-year students over first-year students due to familiarity. I fear that my concerns may not be taken seriously, and there is always the risk of this turning against me, as there is a tendency to blame the girl in situations like this. I worry about being asked why I continued to speak to him and whether I entertained any of his messages. Additionally, I want to keep this matter private from my parents, as I fear their reaction could escalate the situation. What steps should I take to ensure my safety? How do I report this, and to whom should I direct my complaint? Who would be the best person to approach regarding this matter? If I report, how do I make the compiled document proper? Thank you for your time and assistance. I appreciate any guidance you can provide.