Engrossment of Final decree on Non Judicial stamp paper and can it be paid proportionately

My grandfather who was party to partion suit of Family prorpety was awarded his share of the Family property as per the final decree awared in December, 1976. Als, he was already under possession for over 30 years of those Family properties that were awarded to him in the final decree, However, as most of the parties to the Original suit for Partiton of Family properties filed in 1961 refused to pay their share of the non judical stamp paper to engross the final decree, the ngrossment to make the final decree enforceable was not completed. My grandafter died in 1981 without having the title deed for his share of the Family properties as the final decree was not engrossed on stamp paper. Questons are: 1. Can my father in 2024 as his sole legal heir implead himself in the partion suit and file an IA to provide the non judicial stamp papers required for engrossment of the final decree. 2. Is there any precedent of providing non judical stamp paper for only for his share of the properties awarded to him in the final decree.