Money fraud on Call girls website

Hi, So I am Ashmed of what I did but I need help in this matter thats why Im approching. I had visited a website from where anyone can invite a call girl (Paid Girls) from which I got redirect to whatsapp to a Broker by website. On Whatsapp he shared me some photos from which you select a girl and tell the broker to send the girl. The Broker is supposed to send the girl in exchange of certain amount. But in my case : 1. He asked me for a Advance of rs 500 that I paid. Later as he said the girl will be reaching at my location he asked for full payment. After bit of a talk I paid the decided amount which was 3000 in total. After the payment he sent me a text message with a link saying your police verification is not completed so you have to pay rs 4900 which is refundable after the service.(At this point I knew that this was a deep scam im getting into) After lot of argument I paid the amount in 2 parts (2000 + 2900) which he again said "that for me only you have to pay for girl as well" again after argument I aggreed to pay the money for rs 4900 (single payment). After some time he said the system is not accepting part payment and I have to pay 9800 in single payment. which again I was furious and argued for a long time with him. But Finally I agreed to pay and Paid him rs. 9800. and but again he started asking to pay rs 9999 for final time. At this point I had lost my mind and asked my money back which was long gone and he is not giving my money back