Is yoga classes is commercial activity ? Can I run it in my residence

Namste, We have yoga classes since last 12 years in my residence where we reside also. After 12 years suddenly new committee ask us in AGM to close my classes. Otherwise follow there terms. The terms was 1. Keep shoes of students inside 2. Ask the students not to park 2 wheeler in parking 3. Give discount to society members 4. Pay extra allownces for running classes. I accept all conditions though my students was not parking the vehicles in society parking area. But for paying extra allownces I asked them to give me written on letterhead of society that as per AGM decided society charges so and so amount for running yoga classes.but society denied for giving in writing and pressurising if you not paid the money then u have to closed the classes. Also they decided that my students will use only small gate and not the main gate and showing reason as security purpose. But our society have only night watchman so in day time so many outsiders easily come in society so how they can stop my students not to use main gate. At least I have all data of my students but persons who come at mandir in society no one take there question is 1.Is yoga classes is commercial activity? If yes can I run it from my residence?2. Can society denied for giving in writing and ask us extra money for running classes.3. can society denied to use main gate for my students?4. Can I ask society to give me minutes copy of AGM.