Can Bank help lower emis of the customers as per RBI guidelines to help them repay their debts on time ?

Hi Sir/Madam, i have multiple ongoing short terms loans and credit cards. Due to financial difficulties and multiple medical emergencies in the last 2 years back to back, i am now not been able to arrange the funds for paying my emis. i have 100% willingness to pay and close. I lost my job and now my husband is paying off my emis from last few months with an intention to pay and clear but now he is overburdened causing financial stress to pay. I want to know is there any law, any legal guidelines set up by RBI which directs the banks to help customers repay their debt to avoid being defaulters. Banks doesnt follows RBI guidelines and their recovery agents without any hassle randomly calls any one from the phone book even if that person's name and no is not given in reference thereby harrassing relatives/neighbors etc and the banks recovery agents also disclose the financial debts of the customers. Police doesnt takes any written complaint and they tell us to file a complaint in RBI. Can you please advise what needs to be done as i am worried a lot how to bear this torture and harrassment