My boyfriend said he will give commitment, but didn’t

Me and my bf both r Woking professionals.. I’m type of girl, who is in peace, matured.. but he followed me, and I ignored him.. he is a NITan, founding engineer.. I rejected his propsal. But supported him in his demise, motivated him.. we spent a lots of days, time together happily.. We both started liking each other.. I liked hi. Because he was caring towards me.. we both confessed each other.. and he said he will give commitment.. once he tell in his home, then he will give.. but later on after sleeping with me many times.. I don’t knw wt happened to him.. he ill treated me, disrespected, ignoring.. I tried all ways.. even I got pregnant.. but he said in that will be with with u if doctored test be positive or negative.. I never expected that.. Then.. it went negative, I had false positive in kit.. then he said the pee is not urs.. after talking to doctor, he said sorry to me.. and said will break again.. I’m in torture for 2 months.. I’m thinking to talk to his family.. he only telling everyone my bad phase.. he knows how matured, good I’m.. peace ful person I’m.. So.. I’m thinking let my dad and me go to his father in Jaipur to talk to them.. I even had suicidal issues.. now also he is ill treating me.. he even said we r together.. now also I have a feel he is dating someone.. but he says no.. What shalla I do?