Stack parking maintenance charges

We have 100 flat society in Ghodbunder Road Thane Out of 100 flat 33 owners have stack parking so eventually each member have two car parks one over the above Rest 67 members have one parking each at Ground floor and other open area at Podium level of the building It’s been fours years above people are residing in this premises Since Stack parking is allocate by builder at the time of flat purchase it was given on first come first basis and with the choice of buyer whether they want stack parking or one single parking at ground floor Basis which 33 buyers got the stack parking Now we have a question here, that who is supposed to do mechanical/technical maintenance of this stack parking ? Ideally this stack parking is in common area and all 100 members are bound to pay maintenance charges of all common area, but they are denying paying it And on contrary 33 stack parking owners are paying maintenance charges of all common areas including the ground floor Can you please check an advice on a LEGAL point of view on stack parking maintenance charges ? if possible share some legal proof , so I can share it with our society members