Grandmother's name and Grandfather's name at mother's name and father's name in passport

Hi, In 1997 (I was minor at that time), my uncle had put my grandmother's sister's name in place of my mother's name and my grandfather's brother's name in place of my father's name in old passport. The reason was my father and mother were not at good term and was living separately. I got the passport and with that I went to Malaysia with my grandmother and in 2003, I got married and got Malaysian nationality also after that. Now in 2024, my uncle told me not to claim any properties in India as I am not son of my father and mother (as per passport). But all other documents like family tree document and all other documents in India showing I am the son of my father and mother. But uncle sometime intimidate me that if I claim any properties in India, he will inform police (although he and my aunt are the people who confirm and signed the names in the passport when police came for verification at that time) Please guide me what I can do as it is almost 25 years now and I now have other nationality.