498 fir quashing

My settlement has been finalised in 8.5 lakhs . My in-laws are demanding 4.5 lakhs in 1st hearing and 4 lakhs in second hearing of the divorce . They are saying that after the settlement amount is received and divorce decree is passed then only they will support in FIR quashing . I have agreed on the required amount . I am ready to pay first half in the 1st hearing but I have put one condition that FIR quashing should be done just after 1st hearing then only I will give the second portion of the agreed amount in 2nd hearing . My this condition is based on the fear that she may fool me after her divorce is finalised and she recieve all the money . She will not come to high court to support in FIR quashing and high court will not approve the quashing without her physical presence . Her advocate told me that it may happen that high court orders to bring the divorce decree then only the FIR will be quashed . I have a fear that if she doesn’t turns on at the said date court may not quash the FIR just on the base of divorce decree and agreement copy Please guide me what is the right approach