I have been harassed by a girl
I met a girl through social media, where we got sexually invovled, but later realised she is a pyscho and I decided to part ways with her but she started abusing me and writing long paraghs with accusing me of using her and just leaving, where she will go to the cops if I dont talk, while we began talking again and decided to be friends and continue where she also forced me to do sexually when I didn't wanted to but as I then she told me she is pregnant and she was blackmailing me to few months with it, and manipulating me to be with her, I asked for the reports but she never showed but told that she would come to show that to my parents and I felt to be nice to her so she would be calm, so I told her we would live together if you abort, but now she is using that against me, that I gave her false hope, I never promised of marriage, I was frustated of this things and decided to block her and tell her its not working as I said that she told she would come to my house and create a scene which she did and she told my parents about her and many things about past which included me aborting with my ex and she also accepting that she was not pregnant she was just blackmailing and what will I do if i blackmail, and she continously using my past, and my parents made her understand and dropped her safely, but later her mom comes to my house while I was not present, she abused me and my parents and she threatened that she will come again and again and she will ruin my life and beat me, where she has contacts of police and she is a big shot
She manipulates everything which is told according to her convinence, my family is really disturbed, she comes here and ask for the basic money which is been spent while we were in relation, but we sense they would ask for more money
I asked a police guy, he said this girls are very smart, they can put 376 on you and your life will be spoil, instead they ask me to flee from the place for some months, and if her mom comes again then my parents should put a NC on them telling them they are not related, until its done, but I want to know what can happen lawfully to me ?