How do I get divorce if my wife does not want to leave me?

Hi. We have been married since 2012. Approximately 12 years. Since then she always fight, oral abuse, to me and talk bad about my parents to me, but try to behave as nothing has happened. Refuses directly that she told all these things. We were in Dubai since 2016, I asked her to come back to India, she does not want to. I lost my job and wanted to start a business, but she did not want me to. Then finally I came to India and started a business. She sent money whenever required but abused every time that this will fail, I am a failure. While in Dubai and before that, I used to do all the household work, she never does anything, she stays in the office till late, and I had to cook and clean for her and the house. Once a year we were coming to India and she behaved all goody goody that nothing happened, all good between us. But while we were alone, she starts abusing me, as she hates my family, we are beggars and many more. It was a love marriage, but I did not know that it will turn to this. Everytime I tried to make her understand and she fights and then says that she will change, it happened more than a 1000 times but she did not change herself, I have no proof. Now when since last 2022 I am in India and she is working in Dubai. My income is not good enough. I had to close the business due to my mental disturbances because of everyday abuse. Now I told her that I want a divorce, she wants to change herself. I cant forget or forgive her. and I want a divorce. She does not want to give . what should I do? Please help.