Land Disputes between previous seller

It's a complex situation. In 1992, Mr. X agreed to buy a 16-gunta plot of land from a landlord. However, the transaction was never registered as Mr. X didn't pay the required fees. This meant the sale remained pending registration with the Sub-Registrar's Office (SRO). Ten years later, the SRO reminded Mr. X about the pending registration, and they sent another reminder a year later. Finally, Mr. X completed the registration process in the twelfth year. Unfortunately, before Mr. X could register the land, the landlord had already divided the property into plots and sold them to different parties. Five years passed before Mr. X realized that houses had been built on the land he believed he owned. Mr. X then filed a case against the landlord to cancel all the sale deeds. It's important to note that Mr. X only included the original buyers from the landlord in the case, not the current owners of the properties. Despite this, the District Court ruled in Mr. X's favor, canceling the original sale deeds. The problem is that the current owners of the properties, who have lived there for approximately 19 years, were not informed about the court case or the judgment. This is unfair, as they are innocent parties in this dispute. While Mr. X has won the case, he has not asked the current owners to leave their homes. However, the SRO has canceled the link document in the Extract Copy (EC), which has further complicated the situation Questions are 1.Legal Standing of the Current Owners: Given that the current owners were not parties to the original lawsuit, what is their legal standing on the property? Can they claim ownership or adverse possession? 2. Impact of the Canceled Link Document: How does the cancellation of the link document by the SRO affect the property rights of both Mr. X and the current owners? 3. What are the legal consequences of this action? Liability of the Landlord: Can Mr. X pursue further legal action against the landlord for the fraudulent sale of the property and the subsequent legal issues? 4. Remedies for the Current Owners: Given the unfairness of the situation, what legal recourse do the current owners have to protect their interests and property rights? 5. Role of the Sub-Registrar's Office (SRO): Did the SRO have a responsibility to inform potential buyers about the pending registration on the property? What is the SRO's liability in this matter? Really appreciate some guidance on this case.