Mental abuse from lady superior

Sir Am a govt staff in tamilnadu.mostly field superior who is immediate in hierarchy also a lady officer.we are only four staffs.3 female and one male.our work is mostly field works.she literally torturing us office has hall where provided seating arrangement for us with ceiling fan lights for each staffs and a store room.after she assumed office she made us to move to that small room with one ceiling fan and damaged ceilings and installed a cctv which provided for godown management.and her only work is to watch us through her phone which is sync with that.she does lots of unethical practices but using her dominating position exploiting us but potraying that she only did all works..everytime she wrote a letter to district office complaining us.but she always came to office late but order me to go to field alone by walk for distance fields only to make me insecure as she always took watchman’s help .and she never allowed us to speak with each other even in her absence as she always watched us through cctv..if we are not under cctv or if we talked with each other officially she called us next second and commented us badly with the male we made a complaint to our chief state office but she had infuence in the office .so our petition has no effect.even our district officer recommend for transferring her to the chief office.but no my district officer deputed me and the male staff to other regional office to settle our problem amicably.two other also deputed in place of us but she tortured them in her own cheap way.they also ask for deputation.its about 9 months she literally torturing every one who is deputed there ..but no action on our petition even though there is strong evidence Against her.i dont the next step regarding this because i cant ask for transfer due to some family issues also i cant able to bear her torture