Real estate agent commission issue
I've visited a 2-3 ventures through one real estate agent A of one company. I've seen few more ventures through other company agents as well. But finally I've liked one plot where agent A of one company showed. With in a week he was changing his words i.e.
Saturday I've visited site on that day he told 'By tomorrow if you pay token amt of 3Lacs it will be blocked or else we can't say'.
Sunday morning he was saying site is still there. Sunday evening he told that site is blocked by some customers.
Then on Thrusday evening, he said that site I can allocate to you if you pay money. Sunday morning also he said the same.
Within this week I've meet another agent B, who is my friends father and he is free lancer in same company. Just told him this matter, within one day he spoke to company management team and allocated that same site to me by giving token amount with some discount on overall price. All land amount dealings & registration things, he has taken care.
Now agent A got to know this and claiming customer(Me) is mine but some how agent B has pulled him. So agent A is claiming that he need full commission on land what I've took. Agent B is saying customer has come to me to buy site,so I need full commission.
Under discussion between Company Management, Agent A and Agent B; they have give full commission to Agent B and Good will(some amt) to agent A.
After all this, agent A is pinging me that to do justies for his service give to me, he is threatening me that God is seeing everything; please wait & see; Good will teach you the lesson soon;since you took free service tell me ur place I will also take free service.
All this kind of messages he is sending.
And whenever I'm paying partial land amt to agent B, he some how got to know and he was calling on the next day for same commission matter's. I ignored the day I've meet Agent B.
From few days agent A is calling/messaging continuously. So how to handle this situation, can some please advice.