Possible solutions for the charges IPC 279, 337, 338

I met with an accident on my way to office. A couple was walking towards the center of the 2 lane national highway as I was riding my bike with a speed less than 40kmph. As there was no zebra crossing and traffic was crowded they took a chance allegedly. I was riding my 2 wheeler near to the center of the road and there was a car on my left side which made me the crossing couple unnoticed. The moment I saw them I applied the brakes and it ended up in a minor accident. The couple and I was taken to the hospital by the civilians. The couple had minor injuries and I had abrasion on my elbow. Now I have received two summons from MACT which explains the woman wants a claim of 2 lakhs and man wants a claim of Fourty thousand rupees. Before receiving the above said summons the Police had asked me to pay a fine of Rs 2500.00 and I have done that as well. I feel the couple is exploiting the situation, please help me on how to move forward with the 2 summons I have received. Hopefully awaiting your guidance, Rocky (* my pseudo name)