Boyfriend refused to get married

Hello I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for 6 months I was not interested in relationship and that I had also inform our common friend but then also he want to be in relationship he used to talk to me everyday uses to care about me and because of that I also started having feeling for him and one day I said yes to him After that he has gone on vacation with his friends so he used to talk less But after coming back then also he used to talk less I used to asked him why you are not giving time n all I try breaking up also but he used to say no you are my life I want to get married to you I told him that our caste is different and you are 5 years smaller then me then also he said no we will convince all of them but I want to marry you Then 3 4 months we used to fight on time but in that we had physical relationship 4 to 6 times and everytime he used to said I am going to marry you My was getting proposal that also he used to asked me to deline When I asked him that when are you going to tell your mother family he used to said I will tell them when time will come My mother know that I am seeing a girl who is elder then me But everytime he used to refuse to talk on that topic For 3 months he was not on job so he used take money from me and after that he also had taken money to buy a car I have all the proof for money transactions Recently he gets a job on 2nd day he meet a girl and they talk as he say he was not interested in that girl and he had only given his number to one boy name Dev But has he came home he was added in one group which was created by a girl which he talk and after that when I asked him how she got your number he say I think when I was giving mu number to Dev that time she must have taken so I asked him that call that girl and say that you don't like what she had done if you want to give your number to her you would had given her but he refuse to say that and start saying that i can't say my reputation will go she will tell all of them that I had called her and said this thing so I said I want to break up then if you can't said this to a girls which I can see will be a big problem My question which complaint can I file against him has he has promised me marriage also