
Hi sir, I was in relationship with a girl since 2years and she used to say that she will get married to the person whom her father says. I avoided her many times but she was only reaching me by crying. I used to ask that if you are not ready to marry me then leave me else I will face problem in future. Even after her engagement also I told her to leave me but she only committed with me. Earlier i had some pics that we were together and she deleted those but I recovered. I told her that I had those, she asked to delete and I told no. Later she left for her marriage saying that am not interested to marry him but i can not say to my parents. I was not happy before meeting you and am going back to the same situation where I will not be happy. Thanks for keeping happy all these days. She said verbally and left. In her travel she texted me that I miss you and am sorry. I asked in whatsapp that I will reach the person she is going to marry and inform him that she was in relationship with me, think before marriage. She said your wish. So I reached the guy with unknown number and informed but the thing I mistakenly sent him the pic that we were together and deleted it immediately but he understood that pic was us. He canceled the marriage. Now the girls father called me and asked, i told him everything what I have done. He made his daughter to file case against me and police arrested me. The police asked me if I had photos still and I told I dwleted. They saw my chat history and told she used you. They left me on bail. Now the case status is showing as case is not allocated to court. We tried for Settlement from police side but the girl Father says only one thing that we will see in the court. I told them that if said that she is not interested in me then I would have not done this, am ready to marry or am ready to leave. I told anything am ready to do. The main issue for her father is the age difference as there is 10yrs of difference. Is there any possibility to come out of this case without prison and if yes how much time it may take. The last thing to say I have witness to say that I kept her away but she used to reach me. But the witness is her friend and she is afraid to come to court. Will this witness answer help me to come out of the case and is there any other ways to submit the witness without presenting her in the court.