Rape complaint/ Complaint against men

Hi Sir, Few months back I have met one friend (girl) through tinder. And we met in a hotel in the next day, we stayed there for 1 day. That time we spend together and had some moments and got to know each other. We had been in physical too with each other she agrees to her. After that we haven't meet outside and we have been in a casual friendly relationship for couple of months. Here she asked me for love and I said I can't give a commitment now and I said we will travel together for some time and let's decide after. She said okay for everything. One day she forced me to lover her but I didn't say anything and I didn't promise her for love or marriage. After that we are not talking to each other for some months and I thought she left me and I respect for individual decision and I also didn't message her and avoid all type of communication. Here is my problem starts After few months I got one phone call from a random person and he asked me everything about that girl and he said he was her brother but I checked after that and I got to know that he is not her brother and he might be her new boyfriend or tinder mate. He asked me everything about our relationship and sexual interaction and everything. Now I am worried about is there any possibility there for her to file a legal complaint on me ( like rape case, trust issues, or any other cases ) . I didn't promise her for marriage or love or any live in relationship. I have told her when she asked me about love that we need a good friendship before entering into any other relationship and she said okay for that too. I am worrying now what to do if she can approach legally on me and also I belive the other person is her new boyfriend or fling person but not his brother, how can I get rid from this situation anyone can please let me know the legal possibility for me if anything happen in future. I didn't force her to stay with me. She only said okay to me and gave her adhaar card for room booking and we took pictures also (normal) I have that evidence and adhaar card and our chat recordings. Also tinder is a dating app we met through that app. Now I am in depression that anything happen for me because of this in near future. Please help me with the legal answers.