Prostitution Nexus

Hello, I have a scenario to explain. 2 days back I came in touch with a call girl through an online advertisement. By going through the conversation, one can figure out that this girl was an independent escort doing things on her free will and is not a part of any nexus or prostitution ring. Even I felt the same and I asked her to meet me in a hotel. When this girl came to the hotel, she asked me to make the payment of 7000 rupees(as agreed upon) in exchange of 3 hours of being with me. I made the payment and soon after that, she asked me to pay another 1000, and her pimp also called me on my number and asked me to pay 1000 and then 2000 extra for cab charges. I understood that I got scammed. So instead of paying her more money I asked her pimp to refund me the amount and I am not going to pay an additional sum whatsoever. The guy asked me for bank details, Aadhar card, PAN Card etc, but I strictly denied all of that. Now I want to raise it to the law because they frauded me of 7000 rupees, the girl told she is independent and now it turns out that she was a part of a nexus. Is there a possibility that I can get my money back? And in the process, am I guilty anywhere because as far as I know women can exercise exchange of sexual services for money independently which won’t be a criminal offence, and forming a nexus is a crime, and that I was not aware that this is a nexus or a prostitution ring, and I was lured into it deceitfully ? And how can I be sure of my anonymity or not being revealed to the prostitution ring as I fear repercussions.