Bank of baroda longest stay forced transferv

I have exhausted all my options of pleading with BOB authorities trying to convince them my eligibility to avail exemption from IZT. However same has been rejected without even putting in the effort to try and understand my represented hardships. I had applied for exemption from IZT by submitting my health condition, special needs of my child ( 10 year old has not yet started reading and writing) and Husband's non transferrable job at Mumbai Municipal Corporation. I have explained in detail my health wherein I have been in and out of ICU, had 2 miscarriages. I have represented my child's special needs with complete family around for his development. I would like to remind the government guideline for transfer of female PSU bank employees wherein the employer has to strive as far as possible to accomodate the female employee with her family. No effort has been made by Bank of Baroda baroda to try to understand my representation for exemption. All efforts seem to be made to swiftly reject the application and close the complaint. I appeal that my genuine representation for exemption based on my unique situation be given a reasonable and humane consideration and not be blindly rejected in haste.