The Owner is Constantly threatning to get us evacuated

Hi, Explaining my current situation with a history first for your better understanding: I am currently on a lease on 11 months, and on my last month of the agreement. 1 month back I have given my notice and will evacuate on 30th June. The original names in the agreement was with two other people who had to leave the flat because job relocation. with the owner's consent I had found their replacements. All well. Now one of the tenant, I agree is very untidy. Ever since she moved in, there are a lot of complaints from the owner that keep the kitchen clean which we don't even personally use since we as other two flatmates have maid for cooking and cleaning. Only one of us cooks and makes it hard to look at. Understandable right. Got it cleaned with professionals. Now he is blaming us for cockroaches long after the kitchen is cleaned. But when the kitchen was dirty we saw no cockroaches anywhere. Another issue is he sends the electricity bills after a long time. I moved in the flat last August. He stopped sending the bills after September. And finally shared the whole bill on March since two of the flatmates were leaving. Now again he sends the bill (after March) on 15th of June which is quite a lot in Delhi summer and forcing us to pay right now. I have been asking him in writing to send me the bill amount each month right after I pay him the rent amount in cash. ( He takes the rent in cash to avoid income tax). Now is threatning us again, to pay and it will not be adjusted in the security deposit as that security deposit is for damages only. Penalty should be charged and all. From the very start, he has been threatning us with his father's name that his father is a agry person, if he notices that and this he will kick you out in 1day. Now, he hasn't shared the copy of the agreement with me yet since the day of moving in. I don't quite remember if it is written there or not. My question is can he do all these. Is this legal? What can I do in this situation. Can I ask him to adjust the bill amount from the security. I have been trying to be nice to him, but with all these threats, these 10days in the apartment feels a lot.