
In the given scenario, all society members initially gave their consent for redevelopment. However, the Development Agreement (DA) remains unsettled due to clauses favoring the developer. When the society first gave the DA for corrections, the developer (Akshay Venture) changed the partner firm's name from HR Realty to Aaza Realty. When questioned about this change, the developer claimed that the registration number for HR Realty had already been issued to someone else, which raised suspicions among the society members. To address these suspicions, the society asked the developer for the partnership deed of Aaza Realty and three years' worth of income tax returns for "Akshay Venture". Despite promises from the developer, these documents were not provided even after six months, further increasing doubts. Upon investigating online, the society members discovered that the partners of Aaza Realty included the secretary's son and the wife of the PMC. The developer kept the society members in the dark for more than a year. Given these circumstances, the society now questions whether they can retract their consent.