Financial Fraud & Mental Torment

I met a girl who used to work in the same company where am currently working. We started talking over the phone and started meeting outside the office as well however I wasn't aware of her nefarious and filthy mindset that she gonna destroy me big time be it financially and mentally but since I used to love her more than myself didn't think about it ever. I used to fulfill her all demands like money transfer, meeting her outside, taking her for shopping and whatever she asked I used to fulfill that and even I used to take care of her all requirements and whenever she used not to well then I used to take her in the hospital. I sacrificed myself for her happiness and made myself deprived to fulfill her needs because I used to love her and wanted to marry her one day. I made it very clear that I want to marry her when she asked me what type of relationship I want and since I wasn't aware that this is a part of her game plan against me I got in her trap. I spent approximately 11 lakhs on her and when she found that she doesn't need me anymore then she stabbed in my back. I am not looking to take my money back but to punish her by law for her misdeeds and sins. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.