It is rather complex issue - as you can see -- can you guide on each -feature point

The Society IS simply REFUSING slightest co-operation ? and REFUSING to entertain anything >also extreme are being RUN--all along? intent has always BEEN........ to stop wrongs and have SEEN --been shown lots of VERY DARK UGLY sides In nature of humans which REFLECTS as --the Authority .sad to SEE but WRONG people at HELM of Affairs -.. like our beloved nation DYING really --drugs to all sorts STRANGULATING -- you and almost one and all -yes includes YOU even the Judges advocates STAFF -- Yes actually HUMAN heart is at play..... Lot of people call - know as monk saint yogi siddha and as whatever master human plight is MOVING... to say the least When LIFE's savings are --ERODED ?/ taken away BY force... by pushing what is heartless brutal ways ? 1 -- Society Committee has no locus standi IS illegal ? - how ALL this gets even proven...?can you guide >are there any guidelines.. Please provide also reliable INSIGHT as PIL --writ petition or whichever FORM can MAKE REAL DIFFERENCE ? why these words emanate IT Echoes -HOLLOW hollowness of hearts --society which falls SO SO easily.......... There has been A REAL incident Where ENTIRE area was where Simple measures WOULD make great difference..Will share later ? if right connections get by you and any real interest Shown? do that and a monk warrior FRIENDS for life as LOT of THINGS are at stake ?? lives lives lives A }--- In general special BODY meeting where most members had attended -- A POWERFUL rather one of the most powerful of builder developer approached and wished to present to the society, as was taken there THEY did unimaginable EVERYTHING..--- the major committee MEMBERS had TOLD the builder Don't COME -- Can YOU believe........Send offer and meet or IN simple way KICKED OUT....yes as REPUTED developer had reached contacted them ========================================================== 2 -remember most members were RIGHT THERE........Which are the RIGHT WAYS to DEAL eradicate EVIL One wonders how they can do such a heinous thing Denying people HOME ?? powerful construction....and safety security of all members the group is STRONG enough to take ALL buildings NOW what to do More corpus carpet Yet THIS Which authority IS MOST reliable---- ?as it was pointed OUT -- redevelopment means death of people especially if Project - left by builder . RERA -is not at all APPLICABLE to the present old members .Yet they hid that and LIE most members have no CLUE on RERA or any other aspect Even CUT trees an OFFENSE yes more to share-- part 2? -- Meraz HINDU MUSLIM --they refuse Rentals water crisis --- even stones drinking NOW acute scarcity. terrace is leaking SO committee asked members to VACATE the flat A CLEAR scam DEFINITELY -- earlier thought they are ignorant .but no VERY cunning liars all of them> as history has shown 3-