Blackmailing by saying committing suicide

I need help. I am from india. I met with a person 2 months ago via fb. As we both belong to LGBTQ community, Later he fell in love with me. But I do not feel any kind of physical or love attachment with him and I told him that several times via call and text messages that I consider him as a friend and I respect his feelings. Whenever I told him that I cannot feel him as he does, he started to say that, “I will disappear”, “I will kill myself”, “You can only see me in photos” etc. and like that. I seldom stay in his house after my office as my home location from office is about 100 km. But he requested me to stay. He said that we are in a relationship to his family members also. Every time when I told him “No” he started to do emotional blackmailing like suicide etc. Now 8 days ago when i was leaving his house i told him it is not possible, i love someone else, then he cut his hand. I rushed to him and did first aid. Then the send those cut pics to my whtsapp also. Next day when he dropped me in my office location he told me that he will commit suicide on 1st june and told me i will be responsible for that. And left that place. Till now 8 days over and i didn't connect with him. So i have written a GDE and submitted to submit it in my local P.S. i have evidence that everytime he told me about suicide i tried to make him understand that this is not a way. One of my friend is practicing at kolkata high court. I contacted with him. He said that, i can make a GDE but if anything happens later and his family blame me i preliminary be arrasted. Is it true sir? Today morning he have called me and told me that "tomorrow is 1st june. Can u remember? I will do something for sure. I will go to your home and will do something for sure. Just wait and watch" I have recorded that call. Lated i have contacted his family (lives in Bangladesh) and told everything happened. His family get in fear and contacted with him. Now he is calling me and blaming me and asking me why i did connect his family? He Said to much insulting words to me. is there any way to get rid out of these? I never ever force and compel him to commit suicide. If he will do so, what will be my next step? Please help 🙏 Thanks in advance.