My ex is constantly reaching me out to pay her pending money

Me and my girlfriend were in a relation for about 2 years. During these years there were lot of monetary transactions that has been made back and forth. She transferred money through bank account and through Gpay as well and in return I've only transferred the money through Gpay. After tallying my Gpay entries the Credit amount is of INR 9,94,393 and the Debit is of INR 4,76,552. Apart from this there is additional bank account transfer of INR 5,00,000 to my bank account which consolidates to total of INR 9,76,552. Considering this there is no way I owe her anything instead she has extra money. But here is where the situation turns, there are four entries in her Gpay transactions to 3 different bank accounts/ people out of which 2 are known to me. I want to understand what are the changes under this situation for her to go legal way for the recovery? Can I deny these transactions as they are not done to my bank account but they are only known to me. I never asked for any money, since I keep investing money in the market so she wanted to earn money as well and which is why the transactions were made. There is no remark in the transactions that what the money is being transferred for. The last transaction was made in the month of July, 2023 and since then we are not in contact. But she is mailing me and messaging me like stated on other online pages to do so before reaching to the court.