Joint Property between siblings

Iam 50 year old women. My brother is 54 years old. When we were very young, my father bought an apartment in the year 1993 with the money which he had saved in both our names and registered it under both our names. The intention was to give the apartment as a marriage gift to me(his daughter) for which my brother too agreed. As per his wishes, after my marriage, I lived in this apartment with my family for 7 years till 2010 and then gave the apartment on brother had given power of attorney to my parents giving his consent. Since last 10 years , I have been asking my brother to transfer his share through a gift deed as promised. He has been evading the situation. Now he is claiming the half rent amount of all these years and also backed out on his promise he made to my father to transfer his share. My father is ready to pay him the amount as well as half share of the property. But he is refusing to take money from them. Can my parents sign an indemnity bond/ affidavit protecting me from any legal issues regarding the said apartment.