Owner demanding extra amount and not returning the security deposit

We have been in a rented apartment for 9 years and the house owner changed 2 year back. 1Lakh security deposit is not being returned by house owner and she is calling everyday and demanding to pay extra amount for new damages which are created everyday. As per the house agreement there are 2 points . Can any of this be useful for tenet? As a tenet what should we do ? We are ready to forgo the security deposit and not ready to pay anything extra. 2 points in rental agreement 1. The TENEAT has paid a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- to the OWNER as security deposit. The said 1L shall not carry any interest and said amount shall be refunded to the TENAT at the time of vacating and delivering vacant possession of the premisis, after deducting or adjusting any arrears of rents due by him/her 2. If the TENAT commits any damage / painting to the premises rented to him, the damages are to be ascertained at the time of handing over possession and the same shall be deducted from and out of the said security deposit and the balance amount shall be paid to the TENET. What steps should we take to avoid the constant calls from owner demanding extra money every day . Everyday she is adding new amount to pay. Should tenet pay for house painting, internal building damages ?