I met a girl on Tinder

I met a girl on tinder and we had consensual sex then we had fight and broke up within a week. She has started blackmailing me after that she texted everywhere in my friend, she asked about me and my past. Then she took contact numbers of my family members from somewhere. My sister talked to her father and mother they said, they do not want to complaint about this and they were not ready for the marriage. All matter got shut down and girl said okay now I will move on. She got in new relationship and after 6months she again started all thing again, and this time she lodge complaint for me and my brother, sister. After that she took complaint back, she said to my sister that I don't want to file any complaint and my sister asked her to take it back. And then she said lets make a agreement for 4 years and meanwhile we will focus on our career but in between if she finds a boy makes her career, she can cancel marriage but now we have proof that she is doing it by intention to torturing us and she is enjoying this. And she is blackmailing me that now she will file complain on my family member including parents.