Unregistered association.

I am a Sr.citizen living at south DumDum in a flat consisting of 10 flats with other owners since 1993. Here a gentleman and his wife purchased 2 resell flats and took possession in the year 2000. He forcefully holds the Post of secretary & cashier of this unregistered owners Association for the years after years. Sometimes he nominated a owner as per his choice . Being the secretary of this flat he took the entire control over the flat i.e. operate the Jet pump by himself switching off the staircase lights at night any repairing job asper his own wish and interest without consulting with others,no work done for the betterment/butification and cleaning of all the common areas of the flat except repairing of the Jet Pump regularly and occassionally repairing of Rain waterpipes and soil pipes at his side and with his own interestis it is also to be mentioned here that as per the society Act so far my knowledge the following works comes under the maintenance: 1.House keeping (common areas should be neat and clean properly) 2. Security. 3.Amc. 4.water management and drainage & plumbing works properly.cleaning of overhead and underground water Tank.6. Fire extinguisher. 7 To make the flat overlook/ beautiful / beautified. Further the secretary of the association without intimating to other flat owners,expending huge amount of fund collecting maintenance charges and raising spl fund from the flat owners without issuing any money receipt duly signed. without obtaining multiple quotations and judging them at all he began to start the replacement of the sewerage and rain water pipes as per his own interest not for others interest.. Collecting maintenance charges issuing unsigned money receipt., He is not willing to register the Association under the Society Act,not willing to open the Bank account in the name of the association. Keeping the Association Fund may be his own pocket/ own Bank account of the so called secretary of the association . Some times collected special Fund from the owners without issuing proper money receipt to the owners. Recently a notice was issued requesting to deposit an amount of Rs. 20,000/- per flat owners for installation of submersible pump without consulting with others owners . In protest I stopped to pay the monthly maintenance since July 2023 onwards. When I opposed for such activities the secretary and others 2 owner started quarraling saying not to argue and gave a cool threat. The wife of the accused owner/ secretary is also a quarrel some lady used ugly word and saying us to leave this flat.To protest I stopped attending the yearly meeting since December 2020. The Secretary & Others stored the Bamboos guarding my bedroom side widow since June 2023 to till date and creates obstacles of my daily life. The said Bamboos were used for replacement of pipes. Now please advise what can I do to resolve the problem.I repeatedly asking the owners to register the association under society Act and open a Bank account in t