Is Registered compromise deed from an active power agent enough to resolve double document issue?

My relative registered a sale deed two months back from a guy who bought the plot in 2021 from a power agent 1 who registered the power document in 2017 from owner 1. After a week, one guy came to his home and revealed that he is the active power owner(he has another power which is registered in 2006 in book4 from the owner 2) and said, the plot my relative bought has issue with title( 2017 power document is registered with fake aadhar and fake owner). After our analysis and verification, 1. 2006 power which was given by owner2 is still active which we verified from Register office 2. 2017 power which was given by owner 1 aadhar doesn't exist in aadhar website. 3. We are not able to find the 2017 power agent and owner1 4. We have seen 2006 power agent and owner2 also verified owner2 signatures and photos. So we approached 2021 seller who sold the plot to my relative to return the money and cancel the sale deed. They told they are not aware of this problem and no one asked any question to us till date. They are suggesting that they will compensate the 2006 ower agent and get us 'COMPROMISE DEED' from 2006 power agent. We are confused that whether this compromise deed is a legal document to clear the dispute raised here. Please advise us the proper way to either clear the dispute on land or get the money back from previous owner.