Landlord not accepting rent

I am staying in pagdi system cess building built in 1939. Some tenants are born and brought up in this building. The landlord of the building died in September 2022 . The ownership of the building is not yet established , as there is a dispute between last will holder and adopted daughter of the deceased landlord and who is staying out of India. This case is going on in civil court between two dispute parties. In the meantime the rent collector who use to collect rent on behalf of deceased landlord continued collecting rent in the name of deceased landlord and later in the name of adopted daughter by printing the name as the so called landlord. This rent collector and one manager stopped collecting rent from me and some tenants without giving any valid reason or anything in writing . Some tenants are still paying rent in the name of adopted daughter of deceased landlord. As the ownership of building is not yet decided and the matter is in court please guide what should tenants do in such circumstances and what about the tenants whose rent is not accepted by the rent collector . Please guide us