My ex girlfriend is forcing me to be in a live-in relationship

It was mere 2 months into relation that My girlfriend a Hindu, decided to vacate her house and stay with me to which I was against. Then she emotionally forced me to allow her to live in even when I clearly stated that I don't want a marriage as I am a divorce. After moving in, I felt uncomfortable with her and asked her to move out and breakup to which she again blackmailed me by taking various sleeping pills. So I again tried to console her and let her stay. Few days back, when I again asked her to part ways, she threw my phone out of the 9th floor balcony and started shouting to gain attention. When I went to the ground floor to pick my phone. She was holding to the fence of the balcony in order to commit suicide. When I went back along with neighbour she had locked the door inside and we had to break the door. And then pulled her inside. I vacated my flat the following day and now she is forcing me to come in a live-in relationship again. She knows I don't want to stay with her and I don't love or even like her due to her behavior. She is blackmailing me to visit my parental house. Please advise how to save myself from her. She was already undergoing a psychologist treatment to which I was unaware and she has suicidal tendencies which I was not aware about. I am afraid she will frame me in any of her mishaps. I have changed my number but it will not help for a long time.