Daughters right on ancestral property

My moms family have ancestral property, 1.Constructed house 2.26 guntas open land my grandfather had 2 wifes, 1st wife died and with 1st wife he had 3 daughters and 2 sons, in which one daughter is died, and with 2nd wife he is having 1 daughter and 1 son. My grandfather made apsat vatni on 10rs bond paper which is unregistered & based on that they have disturbed constructed house to 2nd wife and 26 gunta land to 1st wife 2 sons and no land is given to daughters. Partition happened in 1992 and again my grandfather filed case on 1st wife sons asking 3 gunta land for his 2nd wife son in 1993 and then with mutual understand they settled and agreed to give 3 guntas in 1995 and 2nd wife son sold 3 guntas land and constructed house in 2003. And some of the land is sold by 1st wife sons too I.e approx 4 guntas. & till 2021 the land was as per the apsat vatni and in 2021 2 sons of 1st wife made partition between themselves without considering my mom or any daughters for 8 guntas land and remaining land is as it is. Now we want to know weather there is right for my mom in ancestral property and if yes how to claim it. My mom is eldest daughter of 1st wife. Can we file case, what is the chances of getting case in our favor.