Subject: Legal Assistance Needed for Online Harassment and Privacy Violation

Dear KAANOON advisors I hope this message finds you well. I am seeking legal advice regarding a distressing situation involving online harassment and privacy violation. A female acquaintance, who has been struggling with psychological issues and severe depression, started an online relationship with a Facebook friend in an effort to cope with her mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, this individual has betrayed her trust by sharing her intimate photos with others without her consent. This violation has led to significant personal and professional consequences for her, including losing her job and facing public humiliation. Additionally, it has come to our attention that the perpetrator is a minor. Given these circumstances, could you please provide guidance on the following: What legal actions can be taken against the individual who shared her private photos? How does the fact that the perpetrator is a minor impact the legal process and potential outcomes? Are there any immediate steps she should take to protect her privacy and reputation? What recourse does she have for the professional and emotional damages she has suffered? Can any legal action be taken against Facebook for allowing this violation of privacy? Thank you for your time and expertise. I look forward to your advice on how to proceed. Sincerely, Pavan