Wife is not returning home

I got married in April (him) and after a week I took my wife to her home. Later, she did not return stating that it is unbearable at my home and she doesn’t want to do household work. Her mother and her family prevents her from sleeping with me. Even my wife doesn’t hand me a glass of water. Somehow after lot of arguing my parents bought her home. And then when I took her to their house after a week, she did not sleep with me. She doesn’t allow me to touch her. She says I have to take her outside every week( how can I if she is not staying with me). She wants a seperate house and wants me to buy food for her evwryday as she doesn’t want to cook. She wants me kneel on her brothers feet( who is younger to me) in order to take her home. Her parents made my father spend for all the marriage expenses. She is not coming back home and yet not ready to give me divorce. How can I proceed here? I don’t want her as she is disturbing me mentally within a month of my marriage and I am really scared of her family thay they would do something to me.