Mental harrasment

Sir. I am 36 yrs old. Recently married a woman and trying to live. Due to quarrel between my mother ,sister, relatives with my wife. We are separated temporarily. We are okay to live together. I got home loan with my mother property and took few personal loans for my family . My parents never spent single rupee for me from child hood. Got help from Grandma and completed my studies. Got job and settled my sister and built big house for my mother and parents. Now I am paying EMI for all and mother receiving house rent and other income sources .Now my family members especially mother is not in good way and giving more mental harrasment to me when I am trying to live with my wife. But some bad incidents making both of them to feel insecure and not allowing us to lead a peaceful life. Now I am struggling to pay every month EmI debits and also I am in diabetic treatment for the last 4 months.My most of the salary are going for EMI which I took for house which I have built and the land is in my mother name. I am looking for legal help to escape or protect me from paying EMI to live peacefully. I am failed to educate them and they are not understanding the issue with my wife and their family and circumstances. Both of them complaining about each other. We are getting suffered and loosing our life. I am looking for solution to solve this issue. If I solve this EmI issue , I can live peacefully with my wife if possible else I will live alone peacefully. My parents are useless and not able to pay EMI. I would like to releive from all the burdens and if I get good pay in-hand I will give some amount to them for monthly life support. Please suggest what I can do solve this .