Possession of house by one legal heir

My father died intestate leaving behind a few immovable properties. His wife (W) and two sons (A and B) are the legal heirs. Out of them, one house building (H1) was in the name of W. In this H1, the younger son B (myself) had invested a good amount during construction of the house. But after the death of father, W & A sold H1 and took all the money without the knowledge of B. Whereas it was decided in a family meeting held previously that all properties will be equally divided among all of us. Now situation has got nasty within the family and there are no family values left with W and A. And now B is in possession of another house building in the same city, the property is still in the name of my late father. Please also note that W & A have gone to the extent that they sold a few other land which was in the name of my late father to some builder goons without my consent or knowledge on the pretext that they have sold their share in the property and afterwards that builder threatened me to sell my part which I eventually did due to pressure and threatening. Now my question is, as B (myself) is in full possession of the house H2, how can I prevent W and A to enter the house as I am not feeling safe to allow them inside. Considering there has been no partition done on the property, Can I restrict them from entering the house, till they get their part of the property through partition suit? Kindly guide.