01. daughter attained 18+ , whether maintanance can be stopped ?? 02. Reduction of Mainantance to wife due to lack of income

After Exparte Decree of Divorce in 2007 in Cruelty ground and subsequent dismiss for default in CMA in 2012 filed by & challenging the Exparte Decree of Divorce by wife , husband got remarried in 2014 and now have two kids from new wedlock. Police report and Mahila committee given report that false allegation of dowry torture and attempt to kill made out by wife. one more CMA filed by wife in 2012 and order made there in for restitution of 1st CMA which has been challenged by Husband in High court by CMP and obtained stay order against restitution of 1st CMA. CMP pending since 2017. Ex-Wife & daughter moved for mainantance in family court in 2012 and in 2019 ,Family court Ordered for @5000/- each as One-Fifth of Income of Husband to pay as per last IT return of 2018-19 without takend into consideration of earlier lower IT returns since 2012 , without taking into consideration of remarriage dependents - New family (wife , One son & one daughter ) and Old mother 72 yr medical treatments. Family court issued NBW notice to husband employer HR deptt and husband was compelled to resign since 2021 and now husband is 52 yr old and no income , no employment. Husband filed RPFAM in High court in 2021 which is pending for final hearing . Husband already paid 4.5 lac since 2012. whether OP-2 Daughter who already attained 18 + ,can husband stop paying her for attaining majority and due to lack of source of incomer since 2021, whether maintanance to wife to be stopped ?? and whether wife is eligible for maintanance as filed false case of torture and false baseless allegation has been found by police and mahila committee ??? pl suggest with future course of legal action as what to U/s. ??? to file before which court to have relief by