Whether mother can settle her inherited property to her son alone

Hello sir! Can any one guide me with the below question. My mother got her inherited property once her father passed away in an accident(1970). As per the legal heirs her grandmother also got a share on it. But the grandmother and her sons release the property on her mother's name with a mutual consent that they will not ask share on this property and the same the legal heir should not ask for the other family properties. Finally got partition in the year 1995 and my mother got her scheduled c property. Now in the year 2024 my mother settled the property to her son alone. We two elder daughters are the ones who constructed the property and pay the way for the rent and other things during our younger brother was studying. In settlement she mentioned like depreciated property giving to her son out of love and affection and he is the one who is taking care of their wellness. Till her lifetime she will receive the rental income and after that my younger brother enjoy all the benefits since I have well settled my both the daughters and did all seer versa. But she have not done any seer varisa to us. And I am her second daughter and my husband passed away in the year 2017 and I am living with my parents only. Now my brother is asking me to vacate the home. I am helpless. Please advise me if I approach the court do I get the share on the above mentioned property.