How can I protect my share of Agricultural Land from being transferred to my daughter-in-law and her son (my grand son) ?

I along with my only son, after the death of my husband, filed a suit for allotment of my/our share in the Agricultural land, against my in-laws family members. The Court passed orders in our favour that the land is to be divided in five parts as my father-in-law had three sons (two surviving and one (my husband) not alive) and two daughters (both married). My father-in-law and my mother-in-law, both had expired long back and the whole land is in possession of both the brother-in-laws and that they have been reaping the benefits without giving us any share out of the land produce for over past 30 years. Other two petitioners (2 sisters) are not interested in their share and consequently I alone had to bear the case burden and litigation expenses during the case proceedings. Now, the two respondent preferred appeal and to my bad-luck, during the pendency of the appeal, my son met with an accident and expired on the spot. After that wife of my son also left me and shifted to her parents along with his son and got substituted herself & her 4 yrs old son as claiment/ petitioner in place of my son. The appellate Court upheld the the decree in our favour. There after my daughter-in-law has submitted application to the Tehsildar to allot her the share of her husband (my son). What should I do to prevent my property which is still to be allotted to me by the Revenue Authority, more so, when my daughter-in-law has deserted me (not on records) and staying with her parents leaving me isolated at this age of 62 years ?