Wife claim that husband & mother in law took away all her jewelry in her divorce and patrimony case
Hi Madam,
My wife has filed for a divorce case and is implicating me and my mother. She has also filed a patrimony case and has claimed that my mother has take all her jewels given during her marriage. She is claiming compensation for her jewels as if we have taken it when indeed we do not have such a practice in our families. Also she has taken my marriage chains and rings and other ornaments we had purchased during our marriage and left home.
My dad passed away in sept 2022 and in the first year of my marriage ( 2005 ) itself my father had helped her get a locker in the Indian bank to which only she was the sole owner. I nor my parents ever had access to this locker. She wants to cause as much trouble to us as i even offered that she can have 50% of the flat that we jointly bought in which her contribution as less than 20%. I was paying the EMI from my account over the last 8 yrs. She wants the flat also in her name.
I am a Christian and married in 2005 and have a son who is 17 yrs old.
Please advice