Fraud telegram channel on cricket dream11

Respected Sir/Madam, I am a student, via some via links got into this telegram channel named "Dream11 Cricket Experts" it has 8.1K members as of today showing. After watching out for few days I applied for their prime membership which stated 1499rs for winning on dream11 mega contests for Rank1 or 2, I thought they must be really some experts and hence after watching their performance I paid them 1499rs (person named Naseer Khan) then after payment he texted me a fee chart stating fees for 1st to 7th rank ranging from 11k to 4.2k , I said you didn't mention this before that rank fee is different and had long chat then he told this is last and I paid taking risk of 1499+4199 total later he again said now again our final head sir commission is 3K pay these final and will provide you but then I denied and had a very long chat and told him that I will complain to police, but sir/madam I am a student and this is not known to my parents if it came to know them serious issue will be there for me, please advice me what to do, he is still saying pay and will provide the team but sir/madam I had said him refund my money but he is not. Please advice where should I complain such that atleast this issue come to notice of higher authorities by mail or call and also I don't have to reveal my identity or want to go offline and complain, I can do anything online on call or mail, I know should have file offline complain but please sir/madam understand can't go there. So please accordingly advice for online help via mail/call to any authority such that these fraudsters can't run further these channel and cheat on others and if possible refund my money. I will never ever go on such things .🙏