To Get back the wife and child.

Hello I am Abhishek Gadge. I was married In oct 2020 in period of Corona within lots of problems. There was my father passed before 2 days schedule of marriege, due to that my mother and sister got shocked. but still I have done all the formalities and Conduct the ceremony on same date lonely. All was going happily and carrying good till 4 months, but after that lockdown again comes then main trouble started. My wife's behaviour changed against me started doubts against past started fight, behaving like Immature. she started involving her family in my relationship like her uncle aunties too. I was always told her where as any need problems or requirement she have, she may tell me. But she share every thing with her parents, where they provide unnecessary helps and needs for her that made me discomfort. For every festival calls me in their village due to lockdown there was no income source because job was stopped for that time. Letter all I was found in corona at their village and I got quarantine there for 2 months within wife. My in laws provided all facalities. But they had very dangerous intentions behind that. My mother in law is a gov servent in hospital and father in law is local person doing painting contracts and commission based work like manipulations They had committed me that my wife will study for gov jobs after marriege where as I was agree for that also supported her. But I found she was not had such courage to fullfill it. Where as I took her to any ceremony at my family or friends, she get jealous and started fighting with me. Make doubts with my female coligues and friends. And where everything to her parents When I found she is not ok with curriculur also not studying and not interested in career. So planed for family planning. She got pregnant but can't carry more 4 months and baby for misscarriege, then her family took her to home treated her medical issue but not ready to send my wife. Her father started interfare in my family matters she leave there for 6 months fo recovery. Then I made situation under control and took her back to home. Her family manipulate her mind within 6 months and I found her family is totally woman control family. Female oriented. Letter all she came back leaving like house wife started tailoring where I never told to do but supported as she wants. But she starts blemming me and my family for tailoring and leaving studies for gov jobs. I stopped her tailoring and told whatever I am earning whe have to work on it. But she wants more. At that period she got pregnent against and go back to her home for whole pregnancy. After born a baby she came back after 4 months. And within week she started abusing and mental harrasment to leave separately leave my family. But for her comfort I have done too. I left my window mo. And unmarried sister lonely. But after after 4 months she left me lonely and claim a case on me for domestic Vollence which is baseless and totally fake. Now she is her family.