Harassment by daughter-in-law

Agent profile image Vidhikarya Add free live chat to your site Write a reply.. Agent profile image Vidhikarya Agent profile image Welcome to Vidhikarya ! Please let us know how can we help you. 07:06 07:20 My parents are senior citizen and getting pension. Initially my brother got married in 2020 and at the mercie of my parents they stayed with them. Then Daughter in law every now and then started fighting and they started making issues at home and she left the house, and moved to her mother house , later my brother passed away in 2022 because of kidney failure, in that time she dint take care of him my parents only took care of him, after his death till 2024 she dint come, she have one daughter and now she started to torture my parents that she want to live with them forcefully and trying to move with her kid to my parents house and again she is creating issues every now and then and harassing my parents and she and her family side people want share in property. my parents are not in a situation to take care of them because of their health condition properly, But now they are living in threat and stress because of fights going on in family. What can my parents do in this case to safe them and what are her rights on father in law property.