Seeking Guidance on Legal Actions : How to Retrieve Belongings & secure Maintenance Payments

My marriage took place on 24th November 2017. Since the wedding, my husband and in-laws have been troubling me for dowry. In May 2019, my husband beat me so much that I had to file a complaint in the caw cell. Within two days of the complaint, my husband asked for forgiveness in writing and said that such incidents will not happen again. I returned home. In October 2021, I gave birth to a son. In November 2022, my husband deceitfully took me and our son to Bihar by lying to us. My mother-in-law started giving my son to my sister-in-law who has been married for 11 years but has no children of her own. When I protested, my husband threw my belongings out of the house. Since November 2022, I have been living with my parents with my son. An FIR was registered under sections 498A and 406 against my husband, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, but they do not come to the police station and keep on applying anticipatory bail. Their bails has been rejected by the session court. Currently, my husband has applied for anticipatory bail in the high court. There have been three interim orders, but my husband is not returning my and my son's belongings. My mother-in-law wears my gold jewellery and posts pictures on WhatsApp. In January 2024, I filed domestic violence and section 125 cases. My husband earns a monthly salary of 2 lakhs. Please guide me on: 1. What should I do next to get my and my son's belongings back? 2. How much maintenance can I receive and when will it start? 3. Why is my husband not coming to the police station? Isn't he afraid of the law and order? Thanks and Regards.