Wife filed false cases against me and my family

Hello sir, I got married two years ago, my wife was at my home for only 3 days after my marriage then we both lived in my place of posting which 50 km away from my native. My wife and my in laws intention is to separate me from my family for which they started abusing my parents and cousins unnecessary very often. Although I told them several times not to do so, but they didn't listen, unnecessarily she used to bring my family into conversation and try to hit them with her words. Basically she doesn't want to come to my native and live with my family, also my parents are aged and they are dependent on me . But in order to escape from serving them she simply black mail me that she will file a cases against us. I have daughter also , she is 10 months old, for the last 15 months she is staying at their parents house only. She doesn't want my parents to touch my daughter and play with her. This way my parents also feeling very sad. Finally she filed a false 498a case against me and whole of my family, also she filed dvc case..my parents as aged feeling very nervous and sad. Hardly she was at my home for three days and filed a false complaint on me and my family saying we are harassing her. I kindly request you to give me advice and legal remedies available for us to safeguard ourselves.